SHEN - traditional Chinese medicine practice - Guy Monjo
SHEN - traditional Chinese medicine practice - Guy Monjo
The SHEN -Guy Monjo. Condition: "Good condition"
Editions Educadens 2013
This manual is made for people who have taken courses in Chinese Medicine, thus allowing everyone to make an accurate diagnosis.
and precise, and to adapt a treatment in tuina (traditional Chinese massage), in acupuncture or even in pharmacopoeia. The treatment being adapted to the expectations and needs of the patient.
The questionnaire and the various diagnostic methods (pulse, complexion, tongue, auscultation, palpation, etc.) are therefore very important.
This will allow you to target among the proposed treatments the one which corresponds to the observed energy disorder or the subject's pathology.
This practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine is in no way a book allowing uninitiated people to carry out self-medication, because having no knowledge in this ancestral medicine, they could make serious mistakes.