Signed Thot - A New Investigation into the Mystery of Rennes-Le-Château
Signed Thot - A New Investigation into the Mystery of Rennes-Le-Château
The author, a historian, is from Espéraza, 3 km from Rennes-le-Château. In this book, he followed an original path that has never been explored. His argument is based on the study of a cliff face bearing mysterious signs only visible at certain times of the year. This fresco is signed by an ibis, the Egyptian symbol of Thoth which gave the title of the book. The author proposes a deciphering of the message using revealing elements of the terrain and the teaching left by Abbot Bérenger Saunière in his church in Rennes-le-Château. Even if the reader does not adhere to the proposed thesis, he will not be able to deny the existence of remarkable places and landmarks revealed by the photographs. This book brings a real novelty to the study of the enigma of Rennes-le-Château, a development that should be a landmark in the world of researchers and mystery lovers.